Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Publishing Companies Suing Librarians UPDATE!

Hello Bloggers and Blog Readers,

I have an update for you! Today, the Chronicle published an update on the Edwin Mellon Press-Dale Askey debacle. For those of you who are in the dark about the whole situation, take a look at my previous blog post below.

"Dale Askey, a University Librarian at McMaster University is being sued by the publishing company Edwin Mellen Press, after making disparaging comments about the company on his personal blog Bibliobrary.

According to this morning's article in the Chronicle, in a blog post Askey referred to the company as "dubious" and saying its books were often works of "second-class scholarship (New 2013)." The founder of the publishing entity, Herbert Richardson, is now suing the librarian for more than $3 million dollars for libel for his comments...."

According to a new article published in the Chronicle, Edwin Mellon Press has now DROPPED the lawsuit for libel. Big Surprise! The barrage of negative attacks on account of your of-so-obvious personal lawsuit starting to get you Richardson?

Take a look at this morning's article here.

-Black Librarian